Welcome to Dhee's world

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Sekali-kali rasanya pengen bikin tutorial apa gitu…
Biar bisa berguna..hahahaha
Tapi kok minder sendiri ya..kemampuan masih cethek
Ntar malah yg diajarin jadi ancur..hahahahaha :D
Kemaren2 dimintain tolong  si mba buat bikin wedding gift pernikahan temennya
Niat hati pengen bikin semacam procedure text (berasa kuliah klo bawa2 procedure)
Bikin langkahnya satu demi Saturday tapi kok ya gagal lagi
Pikun amat ya aku ini =___=
Udah diinget2 kudu bikin pic step by stepnya
Eh ingetnya kalo udah jadi :’(

Tapi seneng baget ngerjain pesenannya si mba :D
Habisnya pesen warna ungu..hahahaha..berasa bikin buat diri sendiri :p
Kaya gini nih jadinya (sebenarnya belum jadi 100% sih.masih kurang background ato apa gitu..)
Berhungung lupa jadi upload 90% jadinya aja yah :D
Kaya gini nih XD

 semoga si mba puas ama hasilnya XD
klo ngaa maapkan daku wahai mbak-ku
hahahaha (minta maap g sepenuh hati)

Senin, 18 April 2011

my first baby shoes ^^

Woo hoooo
Finally I can make baby shoes XD
Dari kemarin liat mba2 di FlanelQta majang hasil karya baby shoesnya imut2 banget
Kepengen banget buat tapi belum sempet
Nah akhirnya sekarang bisa bikin juga :D
Itung2 hadiah buat keponakan yang lagi pulang kampuang J
Tapi ya berhubung masih amatiran..jadinya g sebagus punya mba2 FlanelQta deh L
Tapi ga papa lah :D
belajar euy belajar..
No pain no gain (lhoh??? G da hubungannya :p)
Begini nih sepatu bayi perdanaku :D

Next time I'll try to make it better :D

Minggu, 17 April 2011

crisis of identity (n my own crisis??)

well I possibly complain too much
making too much junk here.no matter how I just want to spill everything out
what's so cool about Indonesian slang language?for real????
both the alay n jakarta lang
It's not that I don't like that lo-gue language
when it's used by jakartanese or those coming from big city, I don't mind
but whenever it comes to those living in a small town, God..it's so annoying
Why can't they speak the way they usually are?

instead of using that loe-gue language, why they can't use their own language
haaah..I just hate them for being so-cool-wanna-be
no offense to Jakartanese or Betawinese :)
I only hate the ppl who aren't native of those Jakarta n Betawi lang then use them to make them sound "cool"

btw..it's funny that I myself posted this without using javanese and I complain much about them for not using their own language
poor me. I'm inconsistent.. =____=

Jumat, 01 April 2011

this is the result of spending time

can't start felting so I just made this in the office :)
so long not to draw so that it possibly is bad :)